Paper in a peer-reviewed international conference
SureSpace: Orchestrating Beacons and Witnesses to Certify Device Location
Internet of Things, Location Certification Systems, Smart Space Orchestration, Signal Processing
João Tiago, Samih Eisa, Miguel L. Pardal
The 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing. Online conference. 2022
Location-aware mobile applications are increasingly popular and useful. However, as more services rely on location, there are concerns that users may misreport their location to gain undue advantages. One way to prevent such location spoofing is to rely on location certification systems. For example, SureThing uses Wi-Fi or Bluetooth beacons and ad-hoc witnesses to allow a user to make proof of location at a specific time and place. This approach can be extended to smart spaces, such as smart buildings, managed by platforms like DS2OS. In this work, we present SureSpace, a new system that combines location certification with smart space management, to verify the location of users in rooms inside smart buildings. The new system relies on a prover mobile device and on existing infrastructure in the room to act as signal beacons and witnesses. The system is evaluated and shown to be effective using light and audio signals to achieve security by diversity and thwart location spoofing attacks.